龍门阵Hotopia® 之起源

2017年,在经历且见证了川菜十几年来在多伦多的发展之后,三位各有所长的年轻小伙打算深入此局,探索加入“创新”元素的中华第一菜系到底能带给客官们怎样的体验,并于北约克YS地段成立了第一间“新派川菜——龍门阵 Hotopia®”。


龍门阵 Hotopia®是将四川麻辣口味,中华进口香料,与本地品质食材的完美结合。 从味型上,麻辣鲜香的复合调味是我们的追求。 从产品上,酸菜鱼和各式麻辣香锅作为本店赖以生存的头牌,营养丰富,好吃解馋。主打菜品金汤酸菜肥牛;热辣馋嘴蛙;酸爽泡椒蛙等等,更以多层次的味型和高性价比,深得客官们的喜爱。自品牌成立之初,虽称“新派”,我们依然对味型执着坚守,期望可以随时抚慰海外游子们的中国胃。

Hotopia 101


2017年,在经历且见证了川菜十几年来在多伦多的发展之后,三位各有所长的年轻小伙打算深入此局,探索加入“创新”元素的中华第一菜系到底能带给客官们怎样的体验,并于北约克YS地段成立了第一间“新派川菜——龍门阵 Hotopia®”。


龍门阵 Hotopia®是将四川麻辣口味,中华进口香料,与本地品质食材的完美结合。 从味型上,麻辣鲜香的复合调味是我们的追求。 从产品上,酸菜鱼和各式麻辣香锅作为本店赖以生存的头牌,营养丰富,好吃解馋。主打菜品金汤酸菜肥牛;热辣馋嘴蛙;酸爽泡椒蛙等等,更以多层次的味型和高性价比,深得客官们的喜爱。自品牌成立之初,虽称“新派”,我们依然对味型执着坚守,期望可以随时抚慰海外游子们的中国胃。

SiChuan cuisine in Toronto have made huge progress in the last decade, three young man with their unique skill sets decided to join force and create an updated version of SiChuan restaurant in 2017. They’d like to explore how joyful would this Ancient type of cuisine bring to their customers after adding new elements to its core. Their first location was established at 25 Spring Garden Ave, in North York, named ‘Hotopia SiChuan Cuisine’.


Hotopia seeks the perfect balance among flavors, utilize dozens of spices we’ve created complex formula to pair with the best local ingredients Canada has to offer. The common 5 tastes is the foundation of our flavor profile, on top of that we add in Spicy and Numbness through SiChuan pepper and SiChuan pepper corn. These complex yet classic creations have really helped us to gain popularity among foodies and fans of Chinese Cooking, Many original and signature dishes were created since the beginning and we wish to take you on the Journey.

Hotopia 101

Our Specialties

Our Specialties

SiChuan Pickle Flavoured Tilapia Soup



酸菜鱼中的辣味酸味,也都来自地道的天府之国,泡椒泡姜统统由重庆运来,煞费心血只为客官一饱口福。 佐以特别从四川直运的老坛酸菜,乃是四川农家自产的荠菜腌制,爽脆清新,酸甜适口,绝非一般本地超市的货色可比。


The Sichuan pickle flavoured tilapia soup is Hotopia’s most iconic dish, whole tilapia was cleaned and thinly sliced fresh each day, stewed in a rich chicken broth as well as delicious pickled sauerkraut. To accommodate the amazing broth we also add enoki mushrooms and glass noodle for 3 Dimension mouth feel. This dish pairs great with white steamed rice and feeds 2-4 people easily.

SiChuan Pickle Flavoured Tilapia Soup



酸菜鱼中的辣味酸味,也都来自地道的天府之国,泡椒泡姜统统由重庆运来,煞费心血只为客官一饱口福。 佐以特别从四川直运的老坛酸菜,乃是四川农家自产的荠菜腌制,爽脆清新,酸甜适口,绝非一般本地超市的货色可比。


The Sichuan pickle flavoured tilapia soup is Hotopia’s most iconic dish, whole tilapia was cleaned and thinly sliced fresh each day, stewed in a rich chicken broth as well as delicious pickled sauerkraut. To accommodate the amazing broth we also add enoki mushrooms and glass noodle for 3 Dimension mouth feel. This dish pairs great with white steamed rice and feeds 2-4 people easily.

SiChuan Pepper Numb Basa




好的底料要熬,熬煮过程中加入清热祛湿的几味中药香辛料,即可提升食材的‘鲜’,又能让整锅底料与众不同,回味满满。 如此繁复之后,这香辣底料能做到吃后不伤胃,不上火,一尝难忘,足够制造一个关于麻辣的神奇瞬间,才算达到龍门阵的标准。

Could be our most spicy dish on the menu, yet this dish sales like crazy because of it’s authenticity and vibrant oily soup base. Marinated Basa fillets boiled with garlic and 3 types of chilli, finishing with SiChuan pepper corn red oil, despite the slow-burn, is completely addictive.

SiChuan Pepper Numb Basa




好的底料要熬,熬煮过程中加入清热祛湿的几味中药香辛料,即可提升食材的‘鲜’,又能让整锅底料与众不同,回味满满。 如此繁复之后,这香辣底料能做到吃后不伤胃,不上火,一尝难忘,足够制造一个关于麻辣的神奇瞬间,才算达到龍门阵的标准。

Could be our most spicy dish on the menu, yet this dish sales like crazy because of it’s authenticity and vibrant oily soup base. Marinated Basa fillets boiled with garlic and 3 types of chilli, finishing with SiChuan pepper corn red oil, despite the slow-burn, is completely addictive.

Kung Pao Chicken


No we don’t use Ketchup in this one, we give you the authentic Kung Pao by ancient method. Saucy but not greasy, sweet and sour but well balanced. In SiChuan the flavour profile for Kung Pao Chicken is called ‘chilli roasted Lychee’, tender crispy chicken thigh dices dances in the sauce with a scoop of roasted peanuts in the mix, hey I need one more rice please.

Kung Pao Chicken


No we don’t use Ketchup in this one, we give you the authentic Kung Pao by ancient method. Saucy but not greasy, sweet and sour but well balanced. In SiChuan the flavour profile for Kung Pao Chicken is called ‘chilli roasted Lychee’, tender crispy chicken thigh dices dances in the sauce with a scoop of roasted peanuts in the mix, hey I need one more rice please.

Wok Fried Chicken Gristle with Chili


Original creation by Hotopia, we marinate the chicken gristle then deep fry them, stir fry with scallions; chilli and red oil. The gristle is so crunchy inside out yet tender at the same time, bit like chicken popcorn by the SiChuan master chefs. This protein is full of collagen and burst with flavour, give it a shot for a brand new taste buds experience.

Wok Fried Chicken Gristle with Chili


Original creation by Hotopia, we marinate the chicken gristle then deep fry them, stir fry with scallions; chilli and red oil. The gristle is so crunchy inside out yet tender at the same time, bit like chicken popcorn by the SiChuan master chefs. This protein is full of collagen and burst with flavour, give it a shot for a brand new taste buds experience.

Classic Egg Fried Rice


Best selling fried rice ever, nothing fancy or complicated in this one. Freshly cracked eggs stir fried with scallions, sesame oil and good-o white rice. However this dish has been the comfort food for millions of people on earth because Asian grannies have all made it for us growing up. Our goal is to replicate the memory by recreating if not elevating this fried rice in order to complete your meal.

Classic Egg Fried Rice


Best selling fried rice ever, nothing fancy or complicated in this one. Freshly cracked eggs stir fried with scallions, sesame oil and good-o white rice. However this dish has been the comfort food for millions of people on earth because Asian grannies have all made it for us growing up. Our goal is to replicate the memory by recreating if not elevating this fried rice in order to complete your meal.

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